Highlighting a long and successful career
Chris Siford worked in the line trade for over 35 years, and T&D World, a group focused on providing information to utility professionals, did a spotlight on his life and career.
In his early life, after graduating high school and determining that college and working as an electrician were not for him, Chris began working for Metropolitan Edison at his father’s suggestion. Under the tutelage of respected, seasoned linemen, he learned the trade and eventually became a first-class lineman. Now, 35 years later, he’s a family man and a troubleman with a long and respected career behind him, and he’s looking forward to retiring within the next five years.
“Spotlight on the Line Trade: Chris Siford.” T&D World, https://www.tdworld.com/electric-utility-operations/article/21150564/spotlight-on-the-line-trade-chris-siford. Accessed 28 January 2021.