Employees with a combined 86 years of experience retire
It’s rare these days to see people stick with one company for more than a decade, but in the utility world, a strong sense of community pride often leads to people staying in long and rewarding careers—especially in small towns like Story City.
In 2021, three employees with a combined 86 years of experience retired from Story City Municipal Electric Utility. One was a line foreman, and two were accounting and utility clerks. This just goes to show that whether you work out in the field or in the office, working in the utility industry can give you a stable, fulfilling lifelong career.
“Story City Municipal Electric Utility sees retirement of three longtime employees.” Ames Tribune, https://www.amestrib.com/story/news/2021/01/20/story-city-municipal-electric-utility-sees-retirement-three-longtime-employees/6640587002/. Accessed 17 March 2021.