Quanta: Staying on top of megatrends
Quanta provides infrastructure services to various utility industries. As the United States turns its focus to strengthening the grid and setting up renewable energy infrastructure that can withstand more and more extreme weather events–the latest megatrend of the industry–billions of dollars are being poured into the utilities world.
By merging and acquiring key companies and being willing to update their methods to new and changing circumstances, Quanta is taking advantage of this megatrend and has been increasing its revenue by millions, or even billions, year after year.
De Lombaerde, Geert. “Quanta Execs: We’ll Do More Deals.” T&D World, https://www.tdworld.com/utility-business/article/21238349/quanta-execs-well-do-more-deals. Accessed 1 August 2022.